After a twenty-year career as a graphic artist, I made my first trip to Asia in 1998. While in Nepal, I began looking into volunteer opportunities hoping to return someday to live, work and explore. In 2008, I retuned to Nepal as a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity International and stayed over two years. In between work assignments, I set up a studio in Katmandu and began a series of portraits and landscapes which resulted in a show in 2018. I am currently working on more Himalayan landscapes and post-apocalypse cave paintings.
Select Exhibits
2025 Small Works, Strata Gallery, Santa Fe, NM. Group
Oni: Disturbances & Resilience, Kahilu Exhibits, Kamuela, HI. Group
Masur Museum 62nd Annual, Monroe, LA. Group
Human Rights Exhibition, College of the Sequoias, Visalia CA. Group
37th National, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Group
14th Annual – Pendulum, University of North Carolina-Pembroke, Pembroke, NC. Group
2021 Blood and Soil. Galleries at Library Square, Little Rock, AR. Solo
Benefit: Crestone Mountain Zen Center. Crestone, CO. Solo
2020 13th Anniversary Show. M2 Gallery, Little Rock, AR. Group
Self Portrait Show. M2 Gallery, Little Rock, AR. Group 
2018 Nepal Maa Dui Barsa Base (Two Years in Nepal). Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, Little Rock, AR, Solo
2011 Himalayan Images. Kirk Norlin Gallery, Denver, CO, Solo
2001 Benefit: Trails 2000. Durango, CO, Group
2000 24th Annual Juried Exhibition. Durango Arts Center, Durango, CO, Group
Contemporary Art 2000: A Departure From The Norm. The Art Center at Fuller Lodge, Los Alamos, NM, Group
Trading Places: Tubac, Sedona, Taos. Taos Art Association Stables Art Gallery, Taos, NM, Group
Faces of Woman. Las Vegas Arts Council, Las Vegas, NM,Group
Arte de Descartes. Martinez Hacienda, Taos, NM, Group
1999 Who’s Afraid of Y2K? The Hunger Artist Gallery, Albuquerque, NM, Group
1997 Delta Exhibition. Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AR, Group​​​​​​​
Benefit: Arkansas Repertory Theratre, Little Rock, AR, Group
Benefit: The Ecumenical Buddhist Society, Little Rock, AR, Group
1996 Delta Exhibition. Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AR, Group
Benefit: Eggshibition. Youth Home, Little Rock, AR, Group
1995 Decomposition. Chroma Gallery, Little Rock, AR, Solo   
Benefit: The Ecumenical Buddhist Society. Little Rock, AR, Group
1992 Nature Drawings. Arkansas Museum of Science and History, Little Rock, AR, Solo
1982 Audobon Society of Evergreen Annual Wildlife Art Exhibit. Evergreen, CO, 1982, Group
2000 Juror’s Award, Contemporary Art 2000: A Departure From The Norm, The Art Center at Fuller Lodge, Los Alamos, NM Group
Honorable Mention, Faces of Woman, Las Vegas Arts Council, Las Vegas, NM, Group
1996 Design Portfolio, Arkansas Society of Professional Journalists
Arkansas State University
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Museum School, Arkansas Arts Center
Services to the Field
Arkansas Arts Council Artist in Residence, Drawing Instructor
Museum School, Arkansas Arts Center, Illustration Instructor​​​​​​​